Physical, Emotional, and Mental Changes Caused by Addiction

Addiction is a disease that attacks all aspects of human psychology and physiology. The consequences of addiction are severe and can cause fatal lung and heart conditions. Addiction affects mental health and can elevate symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Gaining insight into the complex nature of…

man surfboarding alongside sea lions at Laguna Beach

You Don’t See It, but Drug Use is Changing You

Drug and alcohol abuse destroys the brain. By sending mixed signals to your brain’s neurotransmitters, drugs effectively trick your brain into craving more and more of them, as they wreak havoc on organs and bodily functions. This craving turns into full scale dependency– a term that indicates that the body has transitioned from simply enjoying…

Signs Your Habit is Spiraling out of Control

Drug use is an unfortunate epidemic that affects millions of Americans. Ranging from casual use to severe addiction, individuals from all walks of life suffer the dangerous effects of consuming toxic substances on a daily basis. There are some, however, who very much believe that their drug habit is completely under control, and that there…