cognitive behavioral therapy

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work for Me?

Intensive detoxification and rehabilitation provide multiple ways to address addiction and the reasons behind our behavior. From yoga to mindfulness to therapies that develop new habits, all of these have a place in addiction counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, however, has emerged as a leader in thought-based therapy. Intended to challenge behavior and develop accountability,…

addiction psychiatry

What is Addiction Psychiatry?

Addiction psychiatry focuses on treating addiction to chemical substances, including alcohol, prescription, and illegal drugs. This is accomplished through psychological therapy and closely monitored medications. Addiction psychiatrists are specialists in the field of addiction. Psychiatrists are physicians specializing and treating psychiatric disorders such as depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. What is The History…

dual diagnosis

What is Dual Diagnosis?

A growing segment of addiction psychiatry, co-occurring disorders, or dual-diagnosis is emerging in addiction treatment facilities as an alternative to treatment plans that have historically focused on addiction. Living with an unidentified co-occurring disorder can negatively impact career, family, and other vital relationships. The challenge of controlling impulsive or addictive behaviors while failing to explore…

a woman struggling with signs of bipolar disorder

Recognizing Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings. It’s devastating to see someone you love suffering from any mental health condition, and early intervention can sometimes be essential. The following article will outline some of the signs of bipolar disorder and what to do about them. Signs of Bipolar Disorder The…

a woman using meditation in recovery

Using Meditation in Recovery

Meditation aids recovery from all kinds of problems, from mental to physical. There are dozens of benefits to using meditation in recovery, for instance, stress reduction. The following article will explore some of the benefits of meditation and holistic therapy. Meditation in Recovery Meditation and mindfulness can help at any recovery stage, whether you or…

a man struggling with depression and alcoholism

Depression and Alcoholism

It’s daunting to tackle a dual diagnosis, like depression and alcoholism. Depression can influence alcoholism negatively, and vice versa. The following article will examine the link between depression and alcoholism, and how you or a loved one can get help. Dual Diagnosis A dual diagnosis means diagnosing both a mental health problem and an addiction,…

a woman using exercises for stress

Breathing Exercises for Stress

Dealing with everyday stress is a problem we all face, but some manage it better than others. Nevertheless, there are some excellent exercises for stress that will help you cope. Oceanfront Recovery can guide individuals through some general stress management techniques and some breathing exercises to help you deal with stress. Stress Management Managing stress…