Let’s Talk About Safeguarding Executives Against Addiction

Businesses generally have plans in place for crisis situations but that does not protect from every possible thing that may happen. Employment Assistance Programs can provide employees space to deal with personal matters, typically psychological issues, including depression. Creating an intervention plan to help safeguard employees, including executives, against addiction can be very helpful. Addiction…


Oceanfront Recovery Best Doctor Award

Medical Director Dr. Edward Kaufman Named as a 2017-2018 Best Doctor in America Oceanfront is pleased to announce that our Medical Director Dr. Edward Kaufman has received national recognition for his superior work in the treatment of substance abuse and mental health disorders. Dr. Kaufman has been selected to the 2017-2018 Best Doctors in America…


If You’re a Professional, You are More Likely to Struggle with Addiction: Here’s Why

Employees who work in hospitality and recreation industries report higher instances of abuse and drugs as well as construction workers. As a professional, it is more likely you will struggle with addiction than other people for myriad reasons. Substance abuse contributes to loss of productivity, injuries, accidents, and increased rates of illness. The economic losses…
