two people drinking a beer not thinking of alcoholism in young adults

Recognizing Alcoholism in Young Adults

Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs among young adults due to its acceptance in most societies. In most instances, people take this drug for recreational purposes in social gatherings. However, prolonged usage of this drug can lead to physical dependence, whereby one cannot control their consumption. Recognizing alcoholism in young adults can be…

a doctor explaining the steps of narcotics anonymous

12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a program created in 1953 to provide a safe space for anonymous addiction recovery. At the time of the founding, the body aimed at focusing on drug users addicted to narcotics. However, the program expanded, and it now focuses on recovery from forms of drug addiction through the 12 steps of…

a woman practicing making habits into goals for recovery

Making Habits into Goals for Recovery

A bad habit is a hard thing to break. Habits are deep, complex relationships and associations in the brain. If habits were simple relationships they would be easier to become aware of, stop, and change. In many ways, drug and alcohol addiction is a habit. A part learning process, part compulsion, part memory, the routines…