an expecting mother looking up prescription drugs and pregnancy

Prescription Drug Abuse and Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant is a joyous occasion for many. During the next nine months, you will be carrying a life within you that needs nourishment and protection. If you are currently taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol, it has the potential to do great harm to the fetus. Prescription drugs and pregnancy do not mix well…

a woman scared for her friend suffering from a benzo overdose

Signs of a Benzo Overdose

If you are using benzodiazepines (benzos), you may have wondered whether you can experience a benzo overdose. This medication is sometimes overlooked as a potential danger. Some people may think that because a doctor prescribes benzodiazepines that they can’t overdose from them. However, just like any other substance, you can experience a benzo overdose, too.…

a man needing Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment

Are you at a point in your life where you want to recover from drug addiction? The staff at Oceanfront Recovery in Laguna Beach, California are here to help you. Below is more information about drug addiction treatment. What is a Drug Addiction? If you are seeking treatment for drug addiction, you have made a very important…