How Dangerous is Smoking ‘Spice’?

Drugs like Spice and K2 are synthetic versions of marijuana known as “synthetic cannabinoids.” There have been a variety of recent reports of synthetic cannabinoids causing overdoses and major adverse health problems. Usually, the substance is composed of dried, shredded plants materials that are sprayed with the synthetic chemicals or they can be sold as…


Is Marijuana Really That Bad?

As marijuana laws are becoming more relaxed, there are proponents who believe that marijuana is a cure-all,while others believe marijuana  is just as damaging as any other illicit substance. The truth, however, is somewhere in the middle. Marijuana does have major health benefits for those who need it, but when taken recreationally, frequently, and in…


The Dangers of Insufflation

Some people choose to insufflate, or snort, psychoactive substances because it causes them to affect the person faster. When a drug is snorted, the drugs are absorbed through mucous membranes in the nose and enter into the bloodstream without being broken down by the stomach. The result is a stronger and faster high, albeit a…


Are Steroids Dangerous?

A person who first achieves sobriety is in danger of falling into the trap of behavioral addictions. Food, sex, and gambling are examples of behavioral addictions that a person may find themselves engaging in as an attempt to replace the fleeting feelings of pleasure provided by drugs. Another common behavioral addiction is working out. Unfortunately,…


Paint Over Anxiety

Anxiety can be difficult to deal with in a healthy way, and it often feels more prominent during the first few crucial weeks or months of sobriety. Our minds and bodies are still healing from the damages of drugs and alcohol, and as a result we may feel more susceptible to feelings of stress, anxiety,…
