two men fishing on paddleboards at Laguna Beach

Why do People Get Addicted in the First Place?

Research indicates that drug use can be linked to a number of negative stimulants that can range from depression and loneliness to peer pressure, self medication, and casual recreation. In some cases, individuals can even be predisposed to use drugs based on their genetic makeup. The subject of addiction, however, is a different story entirely.…


Is Substance Abuse Keeping You From Your Goals?

Substance addiction is a disease that forces your brain to seek pleasure from something that does your body an incredible amount of harm and has absolutely no upside, save the fleeting feeling of euphoria that soon becomes weaker and weaker as your body begins to crave more and more of said substance. Those that abuse…

seagull at Laguna Beach

Is Professional Help Necessary for Recovery?

The short answer is a resounding yes. Research indicates that the detoxification process can be one of the most difficult and testing periods of an individual’s life. In this process, an individual effectively forces themselves to enter into a stage of intense withdrawal and allow their bodies to purge themselves of a substance that has…
