We set a daily goal in recovery: stay sober until midnight. Once that clock strikes, we set a new goal: stay sober until midnight. Thus the cycle of “One day at a time” begins. We take things as they come so that we aren’t overwhelmed by the prospect of the future. Yet, we are also encouraged to set goals that we can work toward in the future. We want to get our jobs back, save money, buy a home, go on a trip, do something great for ourselves, get a tattoo. Goal setting and working toward goals are skills we can learn when we are in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction as well as other issues. We learn to create realistic expectations of ourselves and what we are capable of. Here are some tips for productive goal setting.
- Know what you can accomplish in a day: There are 24 hours in a day, but you can’t work toward your goals during every single one of them. You have to eat, sleep, and take time for yourself. You also have to have flexibility because life does tend to happen without checking your schedule first. Goals can be immediate, short term, long term, and ongoing. Know what goals you can get done in a day and what goals might better be accomplished over time.
- Make your goals pretty: You don’t have to get all arts and crafts on your goals, but you should dedicate some space to your goals- physical space. Some people like a giant white board, other people prefer a private journal. Many people just turn to their phones to keep their goals on a list. However you put your goals down, make sure you’re putting them down somewhere so they don’t get lost in the wilderness of your life.
- Only set goals you’re willing to work toward: You might think- shouldn’t I set goals I want to accomplish? Yes! That’s the point. You aren’t going to work toward something you don’t want to work toward or you don’t think you’re going to work toward. When you set a bunch of goals you have no intention of achieving or completing, you are doing your confidence and self-esteem a disservice.
We have a simple goal in mind for you at Oceanfront Recovery. We want to help you change your story so you can change your life. Our radical approach to treatment gives men real life tools and techniques for staying sober and thriving in recovery. For information on our treatment programs for men, call us today: (877) 279-1777