Green energy comes from green surroundings. Immense amounts of research and personal experience has been paid to discovering how being around green environments might create a green mind. Rich in oxygen, pretty to look at, and relaxing, nature has a way of restoring the human spirit, as well as the human body and the human mind. Hiking may not always been in a green environment- like hiking through the desert. However, the benefit is still the same. Being around nature, far away from the hustle and bustle of the man-made world is more relaxing. The energy is different, the air is different, and the way we have to think is different as well. Hiking puts us into a different perspective and allows us to think with a more natural, stress free mind.
Hiking Makes You Happy
Hiking boosts endorphins and dopamine, along with serotonin and other chemicals in the brain which contribute to the experience of happiness. Being with peers, exploring a new place, adventuring through the wilderness all make for a happier experience. Not only does hiking make you happy, hiking improves how you feel about exercising. Studies have found that exercising outdoors, especially in green environments, creates a richer exercise experience which creates better memory associations, thus creating more interest in exercise. Hiking makes you happy to be exercising and hiking while getting in a work out for the mind, body, and spirit.
Hiking Enforces Therapy
Imagine sitting through a challenging therapy session. After crying, exploring, and having a breakthrough, instead of going home or going about the day, instead, you go hiking. You take all that emotional energy and breakthrough momentum and put it to the pathway of a good hike. MIndful breathing, time spent in reflection and introspection, helps the whole process settle in. Hiking has been proven to reduce the symptoms of mental health issues and reduce stress, which often exacerbates symptoms of mental health issues.
Hiking Is Cool
The greatest thing about hiking and hiking therapy is that hiking is pretty cool. It’s cool to get out of the city and into nature, to walk a trail along the ocean shore, or to get up to a mountain peak and get a different view of the world. Hiking’s coolness is important for addiction treatment. Men in treatment programs for substance use and dual diagnosis disorders are learning to make new meaning in their lives. By participating in new activities and expanding their mental map, they are building new neural pathways in their brain and replacing their life of addiction with a new life of adventure.
Recovery is an adventure. Let Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment center for men, take you on it. We believe that when you change your story about addiction you can change your life in recovery. Call us today for information on our residential treatment programs including specialized executive tracks and transitional care. (877) 279-1777