man discussing switching depression medication safely with patient

How to Switch Depression Medication Safely

Prescription antidepressants are no small thing to mess with. It is not easy to just stop taking it because it may have unknown side effects. Sometimes people experience dependence or addiction without realizing it happened. Find out a way to switch depression medication safely. Proper Protocol Stopping medication too abruptly can cause a person to…

houses on the hill at Laguna Beach

What Does Detox Feel Like?

Rehab is intense. Leaving a routine is hard, even if just for a few months to get straight again. Addressing complex and difficult issues related to addiction make it hard to focus and heal unless the person is ready in mind, body, and spirit. Detox can be the hardest part of the process but once…

Why Ignoring Addiction Simply Doesn’t Work

Far too often, those suffering from an addiction to any one of a number of substances, attempt to downplay the severity of their dependency by ignoring addiction. Unfortunately, studies have shown that many of their would-be saviors do, too. Is it a coping mechanism? An attempt to err on the side of caution, in case…