Cocaine is an addictive, illegal stimulant that produces a feeling of euphoria. It is addictive and destructive. Cocaine addiction involves many physical and psychological ailments and is challenging to overcome. Nonetheless, by getting cocaine addiction help, anyone can recover and rediscover a sober, productive life.
Learn more about cocaine addiction treatment in California by calling Oceanfront Recovery at (877) 296-7477. Heal from cocaine addiction at our serene center located blocks away from the calming waves of the ocean.
What Is Cocaine Addiction?
Cocaine addiction is a chronic, relapsing condition characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use despite harmful consequences. When someone is addicted to cocaine, their body has adapted to the presence of the drug and needs more of it to continue achieving the desired high.
The reason that cocaine is so addictive is due to how it influences dopamine centers in the brain. Cocaine produces a euphoric high, causing the brain to release immense dopamine. That may feel good for a few moments, but it alters the brain’s ability to regulate its dopamine supply and ability to release it naturally over time. When cocaine is misused regularly, the brain comes to operate with a reliance on cocaine. Without it, people struggle to function normally. This is why it is so difficult for people to stop using cocaine. Their brain has been tricked into depending on it.
Signs of cocaine addiction include:
- Increased tolerance to the drug
- Spending large amounts of money on cocaine
- Relationship difficulties due to drug use
- Withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug
- Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed
At Oceanfront Recovery, we understand how difficult it is to break free from the cycle of cocaine addiction. We can help your cocaine addiction.
3 Ways to Quit Cocaine Addiction
Every year, thousands of people who struggle with an addiction and want to recover fail to get the help they need.
Wherever you are in your relationship to cocaine use, here are three tips for quitting a cocaine addiction:
Change Your Habits
Often, drug use is linked to certain social events or relationships. It can often feel like life is split between the world of drug use and the rest of the world. You can choose not to put yourself in situations that would fuel your cocaine addiction. Stop going to parties where cocaine will be present. You can cease contact with the person who supplies you with cocaine. None of these choices will feel easy. But they are within your power. By lessening the amount of contact with cocaine and other people who use it, you will be better positioned to quit.
Tell Loved Ones You Want to Quit
Addiction often involves secrecy. One of the best things you can do is to be open about your struggle with trusted loved ones. Tell them you intend to quit and let them help you make a plan to get cocaine addiction help. Do not rely on them to solve the problem for you. But do engage them in helping you overcome cocaine addiction.
Identify and Address Root Causes
Often, there is a root cause behind cocaine use that spirals into addiction. Root causes for substance abuse range from childhood trauma to the presence of a mental health disorder. Whatever your root cause is, it is important to identify it and work through it in positive ways. One of the best settings to do this work is formal therapy through an addiction treatment center. There are many different types of therapy that can address a cocaine addiction. These include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Contingency management
- 12-step programs
It is vital to seek professional help if you or someone you love is struggling with cocaine addiction.
Find Cocaine Addiction Help at Oceanfront Recovery
Do you need help with your cocaine addiction? There’s no shame in admitting that you do. The staff at Oceanfront Recovery is here to support you through every step of the recovery process. Contact Oceanfront Recovery at (877) 296-7477 to learn about overcoming cocaine addiction. We can help you attain the life you deserve.