Whatever you want to call them, ‘power bowls,’ ‘grain bowls, they are all names for the same thing. Basically, a power-packed, nutrient-dense bowl of food that includes lots of healthy elements like quinoa, rice, greens, and loads of veggies. There can be proteins or no proteins but basically it is a healthy way of getting nutrients. Find out why people are raving over grain bowls and why they are so healthy.
Bowl Trends
Grocery shoppers are looking for foods with less ingredients, a way to track what is in them, and less packaging overall. Processed foods are on the way out as shoppers become more aware of what healthy, whole eating looks like. Grain bowls deliver lots of nutrients up front. Whole grains, veggies, protein, and seasonings are all part of a healthier lifestyle people are craving. Some are vegan, some are paleo, others are just grain bowls with lots of added proteins and veggies. Bowl meals are designed to get healthy foods into your diet in one fell swoop. Whole grains have long been linked to improved heart health and decreased risk of diabetes.
Dishing Up
Bowl meals make it easier to get lots of nutrients into the body. Newer research finds subbing whole grains for refined ones, like white rice, or white bread, may help people manage weight better. This is achieved by speeding up metabolism and decreasing calories the body holds onto for digestion. Smaller amounts of the foods are protective for the body. The risk of heart disease and stroke can go down with increased healthy grains. Meat is a great protein to have in grain bowls but is mostly a side or condiment, rather than the main focus of a bowl meal. Plant-based eating is surpassing protein-based diets. It really depends on a person’s everyday needs what they should be seeking from their food to supplement their body with the right nutrients and vitamins necessary to stay healthy.
Frozen Bowls
People are often looking for quick fix meals that pack a healthy punch. Frozen bowl meals often get a bad rap initially but they have very little added sugar, lower sodium content, and are healthier than many of the frozen meals on the market. Flavor is one thing people don’t want to compromise for quick eating, but also that veggies stay fresh, not get mushy. It is always better to make your own quick bowl of grains and veggies rather than heat one up, but now and again, it may be good to look at some quick make meals for those busy days. The less often you can order takeaway food or eat out (unless it’s a grain bowl meal), the better off you will be.
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