Deciding on a treatment facility can be an overwhelming decision. What works for one person may not work for another. There are many different methodological approaches to addiction treatment. Some are twelve-step based and others address a more mindfulness way. After determining which approach is best for you, then comes the decision of the level of care required. Many treatment centers have the option to attend inpatient or outpatient. Depending how far the disease has progressed and the type of substance used, some patients may require a medical detox before rehabilitation. An individual who is addicted to heroin or has abused alcohol may need pharmacological interference before they can enter into traditional treatment. The withdrawals from these substances can be extremely painful and potentially life threatening. Heroin addiction is typically treated with some form of opioid agonist medication. A person who was severely addicted to alcohol may need a medical detox to treat or simply monitor withdrawals. Acute withdrawal can consist of severe vomiting, delirium tremens, and seizures. Therefore, if you have attempted to quit on your own and have experienced any of these, it is recommended you choose a medical detox as your first stop, which will take approximately ten days. If you have just gone through a medical detoxification program, it is probably best that you transition to inpatient. Treatment isn’t about medically removing a substance. There are usually psychological issues that cause someone to seek substances in the first place. People who were really deep in addiction need to be taught life skills and how function on a day-to-day basis. Inpatient residential will teach you to do this. If you didn’t need medical detox, inpatient residential may still be best for you. If there is exposure to drugs and alcohol in your home environment while you are trying to get clean and sober, it will be nearly impossible. Being with others who are struggling with the same problem can bring camaraderie and help you to stay on the path of recovery. Outpatient care can work well for those whose addictions had not yet completely destroyed their lives. Many people who attend outpatient treatment are still employed and not able to take a leave of absence to attend inpatient residential. They may come several times per week after work. Outpatient treatment is similar to residential in the sense that you still have group meetings as well as individual care with a counselor. They tend to teach the same things, like effective coping strategies and life skills. People who usually attend outpatient were able to physically stop using, but need treatment for their addiction to continue abstinence. It is usually recommended that you transition through each level of care, beginning with detox. The longer you spend in treatment, the better chance you have at long-term recovery.
Oceanfront Recovery is a men’s & women’s addiction treatment center offering residential programs and a full continuum of care to help men begin a new life of recovery. Each therapy and modality we offer is designed to help men change their story. We believe when you change your story, you can change your life. Call us today for information: (877) 279-1777