cognitive behavioral therapy

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work for Me?

Intensive detoxification and rehabilitation provide multiple ways to address addiction and the reasons behind our behavior. From yoga to mindfulness to therapies that develop new habits, all of these have a place in addiction counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, however, has emerged as a leader in thought-based therapy. Intended to challenge behavior and develop accountability,…

addiction psychiatry

What is Addiction Psychiatry?

Addiction psychiatry focuses on treating addiction to chemical substances, including alcohol, prescription, and illegal drugs. This is accomplished through psychological therapy and closely monitored medications. Addiction psychiatrists are specialists in the field of addiction. Psychiatrists are physicians specializing and treating psychiatric disorders such as depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. What is The History…

conference room with open doors

What is Addiction vs. Dependence?

The difference between addiction and dependence can be difficult to understand. Some organizations have different definitions and may even abandon these terms because ‘substance use disorder’ is being used more frequently. However the terms are used, addiction and dependence are key terms in understanding how a person comes to struggle with substance use. Addiction Addiction…