Phencyclidine or simply PCP was once a noble drug. Doctors used PCP as an anesthetic when treating their patients. Soon, it was discovered that the drug had questionable side effects. PCP patients began to exhibit patterns of agitation and irrationalism. Thus, PCP was banned. Currently, about 6 million people admit to using PCP at least once for non-medical reasons. They use it because of the hallucinogenic effect it produces. It can be difficult to tell who is using PCP and who is not. Users can go to great lengths to conceal their substance abuse problems However, signs of PCP use still manifest. It’s important to learn to recognize the signs of PCP use so the right addiction treatment can be found. Oceanfront Recovery can guide you through identifying PCP use and getting the support necessary to heal.
The Nature of PCP
PCP is a dissociative drug. This means that it is a drug with mind-altering abilities. It can make a person experience the distortion in sounds and colors. It will also affect a person’s awareness of their environment. This is because PCP distorts how you perceive the environment. People call this the feeling of hallucinations.
Pure PCP appears as a white crystalline powder. The powder should dissolve in water or alcohol easily. When you taste it, it should have a bitter and distinctive taste. On the streets, PCP can come in a variety of colors. Sometimes it can be light colors; at other times, it comes as a dark brown powder with a gummy feel. The variations arise from the contaminants that sellers include in the manufacture of the drug.
PCP is very addictive, and it has serious side effects. Once you notice you have an addiction to PCP, visit the nearest addiction treatment center. The earlier you seek treatment, the better for you. Knowing the signs of PCP use can help you seek treatment for your loved ones promptly if you notice they are slipping into an addiction.
Signs of PCP Use
PCP users will exhibit distinct signs and symptoms that will expose their drug use. The signs will vary from person to person. This is because the signs will manifest depending on the stage of use and the extent of the user’s addiction.
Below are some common signs of PCP use:
- Hallucinations. This is a very common trait among PCP users. The hallucinations may be severe that it causes them to be delusional.
- Speech difficulties. Long term PCP users begin to stutter when they speak. Relatively inexperienced users may experience slurred speech when under the influence.
- Numbness, amnesia, rapid heartbeat, and the rapid involuntary movement of the eyes.
- A sense of invulnerability that might encourage users to engage in dangerous activities such as unhealthy sexual habits.
- Impaired memory which affects the user’s ability to think clearly.
If you notice these signs of PCP use in an individual, enroll them in a mental health treatment center. The facility will be able to determine if the user has developed an addiction. They will then recommend a suitable treatment.
Learn More at Oceanfront Recovery
Oceanfront Recovery is a medical facility that can help you to recover from any form of addiction. Our programs incorporate the use of both medications and therapy to hasten your recovery process. The facilities here are comfortable, making your stay during the treatment period as enjoyable as it can be.
Some of the programs and centers include:
- Drug and alcohol detox center: Detoxing from PCP can produce some severe withdrawal symptoms. This center will help you to handle these withdrawals so that you detox safely.
- Residential treatment program: This is a program for severe addiction cases. The addict will stay at the facility during the entire treatment period. This will enable caregivers to supervise the recovery process conveniently so that the user fully recovers.
- Sober living homes: These homes will enable you to keep off drugs. They help you to maintain your sobriety over the long term.
- Intensive outpatient treatment program: A program that is ideal for patients who wish to get treatment on a part-time basis. It allows you to get treatment and also attend to other duties.
Addiction to PCP is not only harmful to your health but your relationships as well. The addiction can destroy the cordial relations you enjoy with your loved ones for good. However, you can get treatment for PCP addiction from a medical facility near you. If you’ve noticed signs of PCP use among your loved ones, call Oceanfront Recovery at (877) 296-7477. We shall do our best to treat them before it’s too late.