People have many reasons for self-medicating. Some people turn to drugs as a form of self-medicating because of untreated mental health issues, unresolved trauma, extreme stressors in their life, and more. But whatever the reasons for using substances to subdue the inner pain you feel, there are consequential dangers that go along with it. Here are five risks of self-medicating.
Exacerbates Your Root Problem
As mentioned above, one of the reasons some people use drugs is to numb the pain of inner problems they’re dealing with. It could be the pain of trauma from their youth, or it might be the hurt caused by grief. Others are suffering because they have a mental health disorder that has caused their inner turmoil. So, they start using drugs to help the discomfort they feel. However, taking drugs ends up making your problem worse. You may wonder how this happens. It worsens issues because drugs don’t resolve the problem; they only mask it.
You Can Get Addicted
All drugs are addictive. Whether you start experimenting with prescription painkillers, benzos, heroin, meth, or something else, you will become dependent on it. Dependence is the first step toward addiction. Once you begin down the path of substance abuse and are addicted, then you have to start the process of detox.
Increases Risk of Overdose
When taking a drug, you always have the risk of overdosing. Many factors go into how likely it will be that will happen. For example, if you are using something like heroin, which is a drug people buy off the streets, the chances of overdosing are greater than prescription drugs.
However, prescription drugs have risk factors, too. People feel “safe” taking them because a doctor prescribes them, and they may mix them with other substances like alcohol. This increases the risk of overdose.
Leads to Health Problems
Drugs are harmful to your health. Whether it’s your physical health or your mental health, each drug has a way of impacting you. Some drugs will harm your body at the moment, as mentioned above, and you overdose. Other drugs eat away at your system and harm you over time. No matter how you look at it, the risk of self-medicating is too great to gamble with.
Isolates You From Others
Substance abuse ends up isolating you from other people because it leads you to do what you don’t want to do. In other words, you are taking substances that are harmful to you, and many people feel ashamed, worried, afraid, and lonely when they do so. This causes them to withdraw from others that could help them. Instead of reaching out to their loved ones, they sometimes push away from their loved ones. Self-medicating can leave you feeling alone due to the withdrawal and isolation from others.
Relief from Self-Medicating Behavior at Oceanfront Recovery
At Oceanfront Recovery, you don’t have to self-medicate any longer. We can help you get to the root of your problems through evidence-based therapies. Our compassionate therapists won’t judge you or make you feel ashamed. Our only goal is to uplift you and help you resolve your trauma so that you can live a happy and free life. Some of the therapies that we’ll use to help you resolve inner core issues include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment program
- Dual diagnosis treatment program
- Depression therapy treatment program
- EMDR therapy treatment program
- Dialectical-behavioral treatment program
Don’t let self-medicating actions and behaviors ruin your happiness in life. Now that you know more about how to overcome these problems find hope for a happy life with a qualified treatment center by your side. Contact Oceanfront Recovery at (877) 296-7477 for more information.