Generation Z in the workforce presents many challenges for recruiters and employers. Roughly born between the mid-90s to around 2010, this generation of workers are much different than the Baby Boomers who are retiring in record numbers. Learn more about Generation Z and how to adapt to their work style in the business world.
Tips to Get Started
Gen Z tend to fall into some patterns overall. Here are just a few:
- Typically self starters who have a need for autonomy and entrepreneurship
- Have expectations to become self-employed later in life
- Despite higher education costs, they believe in college education and achievement
- Have increased anxiety around debt and are worried about finances
- Interpersonal communication is very important, especially via technology (social media, etc) but also value face-to-face communication
Constantly Connected
Not unlike Millennials, Gen Z is a group of people who love digital technology in all its forms. They have likely been exposed since near birth with instant access to information and resources at their fingertips. Like Millennials, they prefer to solve personal problems on their own and turn to YouTube or other places to troubleshoot problems. They value peers and love to communicate widely across platforms. Keeping up with them is a challenge for business owners who need to adapt to their increasing needs and desires.
Flex Schedules
With the growth of part-time and contract workers, Gen Z will likely assume the same attitude as Millennials around career expectations. This will be important going forward to have flexible schedules as part of their world as they move further away from tradition 9-5 job structures. Workplace flexibility means they will need to adapt their schedules as well to keep up. Companies need to examine old policies to see if they are outdated to attract (and retain) new hires from Gen Z. Gen Z is still growing and maturing. While this is happening, the generation may have the opposite experience from Millennials where they are looking for a foothold in the economy. They are still figuring themselves out as well as the world and are looking to companies to help shape their experience for the future while also leaving a mark in the world of business. They often want to be seen as collaborators and contributors who produce for their employer while also having freedom and flexibility to bring new, innovative ideas to the table which can be of great benefit to companies open and willing to accept this new way of doing business.
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