Getting outside and into nature can be restorative to your mental and physical health. It does not take days or weeks to go off into the wilderness to be able to enjoy the great outdoors. Just a peek outside, a few minutes of fresh air or some short hikes can help build your stamina for recovery.
Benefits of Nature in Recovery
Fresh air, the smell of blades of grass, and nature vistas all bring a sense of calm and peace. Researchers have found the effect of nature to be deeply restorative for psychological well-being. When you walk in the park after a stressful day, it all seems to float away. Recovering from surgery happens faster when people can view or engage with nature. Even children learn better when out in nature and getting exercise.
Nature and Addiction
Nature and outdoors are restorative and positive for overall health which comes as no surprise it can support addiction recovery. The healing qualities of being outside are numerous. Hiking short trails, in nature preserves or national parks near your house can improve overall wellness. If you leave to on a hike, short or long, leave the smartphone on vibrate or at home. Turn off the outside world and dive into nature head first. You may find that you come home from the hike feeling powerful to tackle sobriety with a fresh mindset. Don’t have time or money to take a longer trip but crave the great outdoors? The local parks are just the thing to get you moving. Hit the beach for a walk in the sand or find a park to do some meditative walking. It is better to get outside for a few minutes every day than to stay indoors on a constant basis. Anytime you can delve into natural beauty it will bring some restoration and healing. Recovery is tough and sometimes frustrating. Temptation, cravings and other challenging issues arise. Don’t let that stop you from getting outside and working out that angst. Walk it off by putting on those hiking boots and taking to nature. Let the fresh air, ocean breeze, and peaceful presence wash over you as you let go of negative thoughts and feelings to just be present in the moment. Oceanfront offers individual care at our premier beachfront recovery community. We help men battling substance use disorders and provide dual-diagnosis treatment for addiction. Our location is the perfect place to dive into nature and find that peace and restoration your body and soul need. Call us today to get started: 877-296-7477