Acupuncture can be used specifically for detox purposes. The ancient practice operates on the belief that the body is full of pressure points which are connected to channels that communicate with different organs and have different emotional meanings. When a certain point is tender, for example, it could simultaneously mean that you are struggling to release some stressful emotions and that is causing a problem with your overall liver function. Detox from drug and alcohol addiction is a confusion of mind and body function. The liver is essential to detox- not just detox from addiction but daily detox as well. Drug and alcohol addiction overload the liver, making it difficult for the liver to support the detox process. In addition to supporting liver and other internal organ function, acupuncture relieves stress mentally as well as physically. Offering pain relief for body and for mind, acupuncture is a priceless tool for addiction treatment. Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction recovery involves a lot of therapy. Therapy can take different forms from traditional talk therapy using non-traditional methods to creative arts therapy and nature therapy. All forms of therapy include introspection and reflection on the emotional process. Addiction is most often a form of compensation and coping. Many people struggling with addiction are struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders. Those who do not have a dual diagnosis mental health disorder do have experiences with personality traits, trauma of different forms, and other life experiences which have caused a void in their life. Upon finding drugs and alcohol, they believed that they found the answer to that void. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol only make that void more gaping. Once the drugs and alcohol are taken away, the emotions are left raw. Acupuncture helps men in treatment discover their underlying emotions they aren’t aware of. When an acupuncturist finds a spot or a connection in the energy channels, they can let clients know what systems are struggling internally, which indicates specific emotional processes. At the same time, acupuncturists can help heal those internal channels by releasing blocked energy and increasing the natural flow of energy and emotion.
Oceanfront Recovery is a treatment facility offering detox, residential, intensive outpatient, and other levels of care for addiction and dual diagnosis issues. Acupuncture is just one part of our comprehensive programs for treatment, helping men & women change their story from addiction to recovery. For information, call us today: (877) 279-1777