It’s not easy being the boss. In fact, some research shows that depression among CEOs could be double the national level of 20%. While it’s no secret that the life of a CEO is a high-pressure job, many CEOs simply feel they have to “push through” the hard times. In the process of supporting others, they often isolate their own struggles. We’ve gathered some thoughts from influential leaders about how to avoid depression and cope with stress.
Slow Down And Face The Current State Of Being
What matters the most in these situations is to slow down and take the time to acknowledge the current situation. Many executives fight depression instead of embracing the opportunity to slow down and explore what might be the “rock in their shoe.” Looking at depression as a way to reset and realize we have accomplished so much, often against what could give meaning in our life, is a major step.
Reconnect With Your Past Self
It’s easy to periodically “get the blues” during a C-suite career. It’s often lonely on top, and this may cause an internal disconnect with the person you “used to be,” triggering situational depression. Ask an old boss, co-worker, employee, even a college buddy to coffee or dinner. Reconnecting with past, positive people may lift your mood and help you feel more connected with your past self.
Find A Peer Group
The C-suite can be a lonely place. One way to find solace is by joining a professionally facilitated peer group with executives in non-competitive industries. Find a group that either meets regularly in person or even one that networks primarily online with meetings occurring through video chats. Once you join, dedicate yourself; share honestly, and give genuine, constructive feedback to others.
Retrace Your Steps
Take note of when your depression first began and what factors have contributed to it. Retracing your steps will help you to identify the things that are contributing to the depression, and then you can work on developing strategies to cope with and reduce it. I recommend consulting with a professional who can get you on the right track to reset and re-charge your inner happiness.
Focus On What You Can Control
Examine internal (you) and external (environmental) drivers of the depression. Clarify what is within your circle of control and where you can make specific changes. For example, physiology is vital to our mental health. What can you change in your diet, sleep, exercise, hydration, meditation, peer group, etc. Make and measure concrete changes to both empower and change your state.
Oceanfront is the perfect place to start changing your life story’s narrative. You have the power to change and we will help you get there with recovery programs designed with you in mind. Call us to find out how our programs and resources can help you start a new chapter: 877-296-7477