The journey of recovery is a long, winding road. It has ups, downs, twists, and turns. It has all the drama of a Hollywood movie and none of the glamour. The challenge for people in recovery is that it looks a lot like everyday life, just packaged in lots of things like emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges that come with recovering from addiction. Whatever your journey, you may be able to transform it with some simple changes of habit that will change how you experience recovery.
Practice Makes Perfect
What you do not acknowledge cannot get better. This takes practice to make it perfect. If you want to change your daily life habits, you need to practice making things work for you. You may be the type of person who knows your limits and what you want out of life. You may not understand what you need, totally. At least not yet. The more you practice, the better you get. The key to mastering skills is repetition. If you repeat actions, you get better. This is why the secret to happiness is based in doing things consistently every day.
Know Your Sensations
Physically, you are a feeling being. You feel everything every minute of every day. When you focus on what is happening in your body at any given time, you can work on experiencing a fuller, more enjoyable sensation of joy. Think about what you do when you’re on autopilot. You shut off your body so that you don’t think. Focus on your sensations like tightness and lightness, expanse, and decrease. When you feel those things, write them down or make a mental note of when they happen so you can be sure to focus on the positive things in your life.
Set an Intention
If you are worried about how to change your daily habits, look no further. The best way to do it is to set an intention for change. Set an intention for how you want your life to look today, tomorrow, and the next day. The key is not to think too far ahead, but also to focus on what you can do today for yourself. If you set an intention, you are more likely to be successful than if you just went through your day on autopilot and did not do anything at all.
The key to making better habits is doing them each and every day. Keep them as the central focus of your journey and you are going to be better off than just going through without thinking. Stay focused, stay positive, and keep moving forward if you want to set a healthy intention for healing in recovery.
Oceanfront will help you kick addiction to the curb with our premier beachfront community in Laguna Beach. We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477