Woman looks in the mirror and hides face in hands as she wonders, "what are the signs of xanax addiction?"

What Are the Signs of Xanax Addiction?

Xanax is a common, brand-name prescription medication. It is classified as a benzodiazepine or benzo and is prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication. Xanax is powerful, which in turn makes it addictive when it is misused. Typically, a Xanax addiction builds over time. This can make it harder to recognize Xanax addiction signs as they may…

xanax addiction

Dangers of Xanax Addiction

Prescribed use of Xanax has been on the rise as more people search for ways to combat short-term anxiety and panic disorders. This has led to drug abuse as the number of reported cases of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has steadily increased over the years. Xanax is meant to be a short-term solution, but the…