Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are a sedative prescribed to people to manage their anxiety and treat panic disorders, seizures, or insomnia. They are also sometimes used as an anesthetic or treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Their uses are valuable, but benzos can also be quite addictive. Most professionals recommend that benzodiazepines are only taken for a month or less. Many people also engage in benzo abuse, which can be very dangerous, especially if combined with another substance. If you are struggling with a dependency on benzodiazepines, you should seek professional help with a benzodiazepine rehab center.
It’s easy for prescription drug addiction to start running your life for you. Oceanfront Recovery is here to help get the reins back in your hands, where they belong. When you work with Oceanfront Recovery, you’re affording yourself the best possible care in a peaceful environment. Located in beautiful Laguna Beach, our comfortable facility is outfitted with exemplary staff and the latest technologies. We want to see you succeed, and we offer individualized treatment plans to give you the tools you need to get there. For more information on our benzodiazepine addiction treatment program or any other programs, reach out today by calling (877) 296-7477 or visiting us online.
Know the Signs of Benzo Abuse
Many people begin taking benzodiazepines recreationally because of their calming effect. However, that sense of tranquility doesn’t mean that benzo abuse is safe. Any prescription drug addiction can carry adverse side effects, and if you think someone you know is abusing benzos, you should look for these signs:
- A sudden interest in risk-taking behaviors
- Intense mood swings
- “Doctor shopping,” or seeking the same prescription from more than one physician
- A new lack of inhibition or critical thinking
- Drowsiness or general fatigue
- Shortened attention span
- Irritability or agitation
When someone is addicted to benzodiazepines, they may steal other people’s prescriptions for the drug, or even other, similar ones. Benzos are very commonly abused, and because of this, they can be easy to get your hands on. It may also be difficult for someone to admit that they have a problem.
How a Prescription Drug Addiction Can Affect You
When you abuse a prescription drug, you risk your health and safety. It’s imperative that you work to get the help you need, but it’s also never too late to seek it. If abused on a long-term scale, benzodiazepines can cause significant memory problems and other neurological effects. People with long-term benzo addictions sometimes report that their emotions aren’t the same and that it’s difficult to experience their feelings the way they did before abusing benzos.
As with substance abuse disorder, prescription drug addiction can lead to social isolation and trouble with school or work. When taken alongside alcohol or another substance, benzos can be extremely dangerous, leading to heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. Benzodiazepine withdrawal can also be dangerous to undergo alone, and if you need to detox, you should do so in a professional medical setting if at all possible.
Get the Help Necessary at Oceanfront Recovery
Oceanfront Recovery’s benzodiazepine addiction treatment program is prepared to support you throughout your journey to recovery. Our compassionate staff will help you find the plan that works best for you, and you’ll learn coping mechanisms to avoid relapse in the future better. We offer drug and alcohol detox, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), residential treatment programs, sober living homes, and excellent aftercare programs to ease the transition back into your everyday life. If you’d like to find out more about what we can do for you or your loved one, call us today at (877) 296-7477 to begin the healing process.