Chances are if you have to ask whether or not you have a drinking problem, you likely have a problem. If you continue drinking in spite of negative consequences, that may be an indication of a serious problem. Most people who experience drinking problems try to quit (and succeed) at some point. It may be following an embarrassing incident while drunk or because they finally had enough. If you or a loved one believe drinking is a problem, there is hope.
Alcohol Abuse Defined
Alcohol abuse is described as any ‘harmful use’ of alcohol which, by definition, is a ‘drinking problem.’ whether or not you have become dependent is another question and, whether or not you believe it is a problem, is another. A full evaluation should be done by a providing healthcare specialist as there are many tests available to self-evaluate but only a professional may be able to test properly and provide medical advice. Drinking alcohol every day is not a sign of problem drinking. Healthy men and women have a little bit of wine or alcohol to drink each day and are totally fine in the sense of not being addicted. Yet others struggle with just one drink and cannot have any because they are not able to stop once they start.
Problem Drinking Behaviors
The following below are problem drinking behaviors which can result from not being able to stop drinking:
- Health: if drinking is cause for health concerns, raises blood pressure, elevates liver enzymes, causes heart rhythm issues, or contributes to excessive weight gain, it’s a problem. Blacking out is a sign of a serious issue with drinking
- Job performance: if alcohol use results in absenteeism due to being hung-over or losing your edge from drinking, that’s a problem
- Law: if you ever have had run-ins with police, had a DWI, DUI, or jail time from drinking, you likely have a problem
- Money: if drinking is causing hardship with personal finances, it’s a problem
- Relationships: if drinking leads to social or interpersonal conflict, it’s a problem. Some people experience Jekyll and Hyde effects which morph into raging, belligerent behaviors and cause stress in relationship with others which is a sign of problem drinking
These guidelines are not descriptive of alcoholism. Typically a person with a high tolerance for alcohol will experience withdrawal symptoms after not drinking and the symptoms are a guidepost that a person may be headed for alcohol-related problems.
Oceanfront will help you kick addiction to the curb with our premier beachfront community in Laguna Beach. We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477