Marijuana use has grown increasingly accepted in American culture. Both socially and legally, there has been a shift towards accepting recreational marijuana use, evidenced by the legalization of it in many states. Regardless of someone’s political inclinations, something that is often left out of discussions about marijuana is the concept of addiction. It’s often missing from conversations about alcohol and tobacco use as well.
The reality is that marijuana is addictive. Research indicates that many people who use marijuana regularly become addicted. People with a marijuana addiction often face adverse physical and mental health side effects. If this is happening to your loved one, it’s vital that you understand how to beat marijuana addiction so you can get them the help they need.
Learn more about marijuana addiction treatment in California by calling (877) 296-7477. We can help you or a loved one overcome addiction and lead healthier, happier lives.
What Is Marijuana Addiction?
Many people do not consider marijuana to be addictive. It may not be as inherently dangerous as cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, or anything else that is considered a “hard drug.” But marijuana is not safe. It is addictive. People who struggle with marijuana addiction are unable to control their drug use. They find themselves compelled to continue using and seeking the drug because of the ways marijuana has changed their brain chemistry.
Marijuana addiction involves a number of physical and mental health problems. One of the biggest physical health issues stemming from regular marijuana use is lung problems. People who smoke cannabis may end up with chronic respiratory illness or a persistent cough.
The other danger of marijuana addiction is related to mental health. Repeatedly smoking marijuana can cause hallucinations, paranoia, and disorganized thinking. It can also lead to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. Once someone becomes addicted to marijuana, it can be hard to quit without professional help.
How to Beat Marijuana Addiction
You can help your loved one who struggles with marijuana addiction. It starts by approaching them with empathy and compassion. Unlike other addictive substances, the growing legality of marijuana may embolden them and make them feel like they are not doing anything wrong. Yet, in the long-term, a marijuana addiction will only decrease their quality of life. Early intervention is key to helping them turn things around.
Starting the conversation with your loved one about getting help for marijuana addiction may feel uncomfortable. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you try to help your loved one see the need for professional treatment:
- Be empathetic and avoid blaming them for their addiction
- Help them discover an innate reason for overcoming their addiction
- Remind them of the consequences they have experienced because of their addiction, whether that be job loss, broken relationships, or declining mental health
- Connect them to high-quality treatment options
Your loved one’s recovery does not rest entirely on your shoulders. Be careful not to enable their behavior even as you try to offer support. Your love and support do not need to come at the expense of your own health. Remember to set boundaries to protect yourself in the process.
Treating Marijuana Addiction at Oceanfront Recovery
What does marijuana addiction treatment look like? There are no approved medications for use in the treatment of marijuana addiction. Instead, treatment for this issue relies on behavioral therapy, education, and support groups.
Sometimes, people with a marijuana addiction also struggle with a mental health disorder. In fact, they may have begun using marijuana as a means of self-medicating their mental issues. When this is the case, treatment must also address their mental health needs.
Discover what treatment for marijuana addiction is like at Oceanfront Recovery by contacting us at (877) 296-7477 today.