Oxycodone and Percocet are drugs that often get confused, but are very different. Both are opioid medications which support a person in pain. They are both powerful drugs which have become synonymous with the opioid epidemic. Any drug containing oxycodone, including Percocet, has potential for abuse. They are highly addictive. Find out more about these two drugs and how to help someone struggling with addiction.
Oxycodone vs Percocet
Oxycodone is an opiate made from an organic compound in opium. They come in tablets that release medicine into the bloodstream, may be taken orally, and impact the central nervous system to block pain. Pain relief is one of the reasons people start, but not the entire reason people continue using the drug. Percocet also does similar things but offers a non-opiate analgesic for fever reduction, along with pain relief.
Both percocet and oxycodone are effective in their own ways. They provide pain relief with fewer side effects. The impact of an oxycodone tablet starts right away, while extended-release tablets can relieve pain up to as long as 12 hours. This is helpful for people in treatment for cancer needing long-range relief from pain. Tolerance builds when a person needs more of a drug to get the same relief. Over the long term, a person will continue taking more of the drug until toxicity builds in the system and it no longer works effectively, but the person has become addicted to the medication.
Addiction Warning Signs
The drugs oxycodone and percocet are schedule II drugs, meaning they are higher on the list for potential addiction. Dependence can be physical and emotional as a person gets attached chemically to the drug and also to the effect it has on their brain and body. Physical dependence can occur when you take oxycodone or Percocet as directed. Opioid addiction is something that harms a person’s life and may manifest itself in certain symptoms such as:
- Needing the drug for non-pain related things
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Withdrawal when not using the drug
- Trouble with work, school, or family due to use of the drugs
Unfortunately, a person who experiences addiction may also experience long-range side effects on their thyroid, gallbladder, mental health, heart, and other things which complicate their health. The key is to recognize these two drugs are highly addictive and if a loved one uses them, they have the potential for addiction. It helps to monitor use and behaviors to see if a loved one is struggling with any of the signs and symptoms so as to best support them in finding help if needed for dependence and addiction.
Oceanfront will help you kick addiction to the curb with our premier beachfront community in Laguna Beach. We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477