Everyone learns differently and some people really like those visual cues to help them get motivated. Other people like hands-on experience which helps promote a forward-thinking attitude. You might respond differently to various styles of addiction treatment. For many people, participating in therapeutic recreational activities can be powerful in addiction recovery.
The Benefits
Recreational therapy is all about activity. Getting moving, pushing forward, and seeking ways to deal with disabilities, illnesses or substance abuse while getting active. Some people really want to push themselves physically to experience a different sensation. Recreational therapy can be extremely helpful mentally and physically.
Why it Works
The most powerful benefit of recreational therapy is that it helps people put down defenses and allow change to take over. It’s not uncommon for you to think about what a therapist says but putting it into action is another thing altogether. Recreational therapy breaks down walls and misconceptions to allow you to connect with emotions. Some goals of recreational therapy include:
- Improved communication skills
- Focused intentionality on relationships
- Helping you become aware of need to ask for help
- Working through ange
- Team-building skills increase
- Gain a sense of accomplishment
The neurological benefits of exercise and moving in recovery can support positive mental health and a better overall sense of confidence going into aftercare and transitional treatment planning.
Healing Power
If you want to heal with the power of recreational therapy, you can combine it with traditional therapeutic support to make the greatest strides. Working out, exercising and getting moving will help the body and mind heal. Some activities can be helpful to get there. Harnessing the power of nature, teamwork and physical treatment can really provide some healing benefits in recovery. Some activities may include:
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Paddleboarding
- Wakesurfing
- Sailing
- Surfing
Doing these activities are also ways to get on or near water, which in itself has healing properties. You can get in touch with your feelings more easily, bond with people around you and develop tools to move forward in recovery. It has been shown to help with a range of conditions, including addiction. People who suffer from mental health disorders also benefit from physical activity. When a treatment plan is designed to heal a whole person, it is likely to result in long-term success.
Oceanfront provides a fully licensed residential treatment program with an emphasis on trained staff in a safe, comfortable environment. Our inpatient treatment program is designed to take away distractions and help you heal. We provide a balance of therapeutic techniques including time for rest, relaxation, monitored exercise and reflection. Call us to find out how we can help you with your recovery: 877-296-7477