People suffering from addiction have likely lost a lot. Substance abuse destroys an endless list of things including relationships, hopes, and dreams. It tears lives apart and makes people forget who they once were. Making the decision to get clean and sober can completely change the direction of your life. People in the depths of their addiction are headed down a dark path. When you’re in that state, it’s difficult to imagine there is a better life out there for you. Now that you’re sober, you can take advantage of the opportunities life has to offer you. You are no longer weighed down by the strength of addiction. When you’re in treatment and early recovery, you learn various coping strategies to help with difficult life challenges. Those are taught so you are able to recover the dreams and goals you once had. Many people felt stationary in addiction. You may have assumed this was where your life ended up and that’s the end. It doesn’t need to be like that. Now that you are recovering, addiction doesn’t run your life anymore. You get to choose a new identity and find your destiny. Perhaps when you were a child, you dreamt of being a fireman or doctor. Children tend to have big hopes and dreams for themselves, but anything is possible. You can become an artist, go to school, or anything you put your mind to. Nothing is stopping you now. Recovering addicts and alcoholics have a huge amount of life experience. Although their disease may have prevented them from pursuing certain career goals, all are well aware what it’s like to have a disease of the mind that forces you to make compulsory decisions, despite knowing the negative consequences. Many people, after they get clean and sober, make the decision to help others who are struggling with addiction. This could include becoming an addiction counselor, a detox nurse, or even a treatment technician. It can be said with near certainty that the addicts and alcoholics who currently fill those positions did not dream of becoming who they are today when they were deep in addiction. Recovery isn’t just the absence of substances in your body. It can help you find your true passion in life. Many times addicts who had significant others when beginning recovery, find that person is not good for them afterall. When you are in your disease, you may think that is how your life is going to be forever. However, now that you’re clean and sober, you are able to take the bull by the horns and show yourself and everyone around you what you’re made of.
Your story is waiting to begin with the rest of your life. Treatment is the beginning of the journey that changes your story. At Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment facility in Orange County, California, we believe that when you change your story, you change your life. Call us today for information on our programs for treatment, including our exclusive executive track. (877) 279-1777