When an executive checks into rehab for addiction, it can disrupt the usual flow of operations and make you feel like you’re not sure where to start when you return. Facing peers and employees with confidence following time in rehab is important for your transition into a healthy, sober recovery journey. Negativity and resentment can linger if the situation is not handled properly and you may feel confidence in your ability to manage operations slip away. Taking charge of things before you get back can help you feel more in control when you return.
Understand Their Situation
What can be helpful is understanding how things were left when you went to rehab. Even if you were still available and checking in while you were away, others were likely trying to hold up the fort while you got healthy. It may have been a long and draining battle to get to the point where you accepted treatment was the best option and now you’re back, things cannot just go back to business as usual. It takes time to transition so give everyone some space by understanding their situation. While you are in transition, so are they.
Have a Plan
Working with your treatment team can help you develop a solid, workable aftercare plan that is practical and will help you transition well. The plan should address the needs and challenges of both the workplace and how you fit back into it, keeping in mind that expectations are going to exist on both sides but clear, open communication can help things go smoothly. Anxiety and discomfort about facing colleagues now addiction is out in the open is a reality. Try to let go of any judgment or stigmatization you are concerned about facing when you return so you can build a healthy workplace once again. The challenge of returning to a workplace to manage people after addiction rehab is the possibility of damaged relationships and loss of trust. To walk back into work with confidence takes reassuring colleagues and peers that you are facing some challenges but you are working on them one day at a time and remain committed to the job. Trust will be rebuilt over time by navigating the transition back to work with a healthy focus on sober recovery principles with the help of sober friends and support of family. The issues will not go away but you can mitigate concerns about your ability to lead the company or team by addressing the issues head on when people ask and being honest. This will ultimately lead to a better corporate culture for everyone involved.
Oceanfront works with executives who are struggling with addiction. We provide a safe space to address addiction concerns and provide professional treatment individualized for each person. Oceanfront provides facilities and clinicians who can provide a stable aftercare and recovery plan that will help you transition back into work again. Call us to find out how we can help support your executive recovery journey: 877-296-7477