Sobriety isn’t about not drinking or doing drugs. Addiction is typically a symptom of a greater problem. Most addicts and alcoholics have underlying psychological issues, which is what caused them to turn to drugs and alcohol. This could include mental or physical abuse as a child, abandonment, or even strict parenting. All of these can lead to trust issues and behavioral problems. A person suffering from addiction is self-seeking in nature. They will do anything they can to feed their addiction, even if it means hurting loved ones and getting into trouble. One thing to know about someone addicted to drugs and alcohol is they lie. Deceitfulness is a primary characteristic of addiction. They are embarrassed about their behavior so they lie about it. They lie when they’re using and about how much. After a certain period of time, lying becomes second nature. An addict or alcoholic does it so frequently they begin lying to themselves and soon aren’t able to distinguish truth from lies. It is imperative a person entering sobriety learn how to live honestly. Honesty and transparency is one of the key traits of a sober person. Addiction causes people to be manipulative. This isn’t necessarily an individual trait but more characteristic of the disease. People suffering from addiction will do anything they can to get more. They deceive others into believing they are genuine, then take advantage of them. Addicts and alcoholics are also very controlling. They believe they can tell others what to do and usually blame them when things go wrong. A person suffering from addiction is not able to take responsibility for their actions. They think all their problems are someone else’s fault. This can ultimately lead to mental and physical abuse of those around them. A person suffering from addiction is not in their right mind. The addiction may have gone on so long that the person thinks this is normal and acceptable behavior. Sobriety is all about learning integrity and practicing humility. Complete transparency and lack of motives needs to replace the manipulative deceitfulness. For so many years, you may have done what was in your best interest to feed your disease. Now it’s time for self-seeking behavior to vanish and learn to genuinely care and help others if you desire long-term sobriety.
Oceanfront Recovery is a men’s & women’s addiction treatment center offering residential programs and a full continuum of care to help men begin a new life of recovery. Each therapy and modality we offer is designed to help men change their story. We believe when you change your story, you can change your life. Call us today for information: (877) 279-1777