a woman thinking about what to know about fentanyl

What Do I Need To Know About Fentanyl?

Drug overdoses have been seemingly taking more and more lives every year. Many of the overdoses are partly due to a more intense drug than the user initially took called fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is highly dangerous. Translucent, odorless, and tasteless, it is impossible for opioid users to know when they are…

a man drinking at work not thinking about addiction in the workplace

How Prevalent Is Addiction In The Workplace?

More than 22 million people in America are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Less than ten percent of those people will seek addiction treatment programs they need to recover. 70% of them, however, will continue to maintain employment as their addiction issues worsen. Functioning addiction and alcoholism is sustainable for a matter of time-…

a woman wondering why is heroin so dangerous

Why Is Heroin So Dangerous?

Heroin has claimed the lives of millions of people since it became a mainstream street drug in the United States. Heroin alone has not been the only killer. The sharing and reusing of needles has long been a way for diseases to spread among users, costing millions more of their lives. So many people hear…

a woman feeling distressed and thinking about substance abuse and the impact on family

Substance Abuse and the Impact on the Family System

The National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health shows that over 23.5 million Americans suffer from a substance use disorder. Addiction naturally has the largest impact on the addict. It’s important to consider the widespread effects of addiction on the people surrounding the addict.  Substance abuse has a significant impact on families, both as individuals…

a person organizing drugs wondering what constitutes substance abuse

What Constitutes Substance Abuse?

The World Health Organization defines substance abuse as “the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, substance abuse can be defined as “long-term, pathological use of alcohol or drugs, characterized by daily intoxication, inability to reduce consumption, and impairment in social or occupational functioning; broadly,…