Caffeine is a commonly used drug. People don’t even think about how much they drink. Because caffeine is present in so many common food and beverages, people forget it is actually a drug. Physical and even emotional health can be impacted by caffeine. Stimulant drugs work by provoking the nervous system into fight or flight mode, which increases alertness and muscle tension. Even when caffeine is consumed moderately, there is evidence of negative impacts on health long-term. Find out why caffeine can harm a person’s body and what to do instead.
Impact on Heart
The stimulant effects of caffeine speed up the heart rate. The level of caffeine at which the heart rate is impacted is 360 milligrams, the equivalent of three and a half cups of brewed coffee. Most people who drink in moderation are okay with this but people with anxiety and panic attacks find it only increases anxiety and their panic reactions. In higher doses, caffeine can cause more significant effects on the regularity of the heartbeat. This is known as tachycardia or arrhythmia. This can be serious and dangerous. Current recommendations are that people who have existing heart problems avoid caffeine, including children with cardiovascular issues. Children should avoid soda and energy drinks because of the high caffeine content.
Caffeine and Blood Pressure
Studies have shown caffeine consumption raises blood pressure. This impact is known as the ‘pressor effect,’ evident across age and gender groups. If a person is unsure of whether this applies to them, it is a simple process to have blood pressure checked to get advice on moderating caffeine intake.
Caffeine and Bone Density
High coffee consumption has been linked to osteoporosis in men and women. Consumption of soft drinks in children is associated with lower bone mass, though this may be partially accounted for by children who drink lots of soft drinks and have lower intake of milk. In older women, several studies have shown a link between high caffeine intake and lower bone density. In younger women, this is of concern when women use progesterone-only contraceptives like Depo Provera. There are ways to avoid too much caffeine intake. The first is to take an assessment of all the beverages that are being drunk on a daily basis. Note the intake of caffeine and start a log. It may be surprising how much caffeine is in certain drinks and food. The less caffeine the better but especially for people who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues and also suffer from heart issues.
Addiction to caffeine or taking in too much caffeine can be a challenge for people. At Oceanfront, we help you kick old habits to the curb and recalibrate your life in a peaceful setting in Laguna Beach. We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477