Young people start abusing drugs when they come from a place of despair and hopelessness. They might not know their life can get any better than it is right now. At any age, it is appropriate to know that breaking the cycle of despair can bring hope and healing any point of the journey. Once substance abuse starts, it sets in motion a chain of events that is hard to break. With help and support, you can find your way to healing again.
Escaping Emotion to Find Hope
Hopelessness is that feeling that is complicated by emotions of guilt over addiction. Sometimes people with substance abuse disorder hurt loved ones or act against their own best interests. It can make them feel even more hopeless. The emotional, cognitive, and intellectual development is arrested all at once and the drugs are brought into the mix because the person no longer has the ability to cultivate natural ways of coping. This means getting sober, and sorting emotions, is a lot to handle. The clarity of mind and thoughts becomes too much to make sense of in the moment.
Rebuild Hope from Ground Up
Treatment helps people find hope in recovery. They find a sliver to get them started, that turns into bigger pieces over time. Hope can motivate people to engage with treatment and address concerns they have about sobriety. During therapy sessions, people can engage with questions, explore confusions, ponderings, and traumatic past events to start healing their lives from the inside out. Questions that help build hope start with asking:
- Who am I?
- Can I love myself?
- Can I have others in my life who love me?
- How can I communicate with others effectively?
- How do I regulate my emotions without substances?
The questions seem bigger than the answers at first. Once people start, they see things are possible and realize they are not alone.
Journey of Discovery
Recovery is a journey of finding what works for each individual person. Everyone has different experiences, events in their lives, and past histories to work through. Everyone has a different family to navigate recovery with and explore the ins and outs of the experience. It helps to believe that you will make it through and you are capable of doing the hard work of recovery.
Oceanfront will help you kick addiction to the curb with our premier beachfront community in Laguna Beach. We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477