Now that you’ve decided to get clean and sober, the journey of recovery is just beginning. Becoming abstinent from drugs and alcohol may be one of the hardest things you’ll do, but the work isn’t over. In recovery you may hear phrases like, “don’t think, just do.” These are used because there is much work to be done. Success does not come to those who don’t work for it. Removing the substances from your system is just the initial step towards sobriety. Taking action in recovery allows us to forget about ourselves and the problems in our lives and focus on helping others. Recovery works by passing on the gift that was given to you. You may only have 10 days of sobriety, but there is someone out there who has 1 and it is your job to offer them hope. There are many ways of carrying the message of sobriety to those in need. You may have the option to visit treatments centers or correctional facilities and tell others the story of your addiction and how you found hope. By seeing others benefitting from your tale of hope, it gives you pride and aspiration to continue to help, which in turn keeps you clean and sober. In sobriety, all things are possible, but you need to work for them. You will learn your likes and dislikes and develop your personal identity. Many people have a lack of career when they get clean and sober, so sobriety allows them to completely start over. Nobody promises it will be easy, though. You will learn you need to work for the things in life you want. People don’t simply forgive and things don’t fall upon your lap. It takes much effort to pick up the pieces of your broken life. Many times pain motivates us to seek sobriety. Emotional and physical suffering can be great because they call for change. Yet, once we’re over the hump of discomfort, the need for change isn’t as prominent because we’re no longer suffering. At this point, we need to understand that action is now more about being proactive rather than reactive. We don’t want to get to the point where we are suffering again. It is usually much easier to maintain sobriety than it is to initially acquire it. Your maintenance program is taking action by sharing your hope with others who are struggling. You will find it is immensely rewarding and keeps you coming back.
Oceanfront Recovery is a men’s & women’s addiction treatment center offering residential programs and a full continuum of care to help men begin a new life of recovery. Each therapy and modality we offer is designed to help men change their story. We believe when you change your story, you can change your life. Call us today for information: (877) 279-1777