Getting clean and sober brings a sense of euphoria all its own. The phase of early recovery when you experience extreme happiness and excitement is called the ‘pink cloud.’ some people call it ‘the honeymoon phase,’ but it is also quite dangerous for many reasons. If you are in the pink cloud you may miss out on some things that will help your recovery move forward and may even be detrimental. Find out what the pink cloud is all about and how to move past it in a healthy way.
Recovery Roller Coaster
In early recovery, a roller coaster of emotions is common. Things are pleasantly going along just fine, until they’re not. Eventually the pink cloud disappears and reality is smack in front of you. You may even question whether recovery is worthwhile. Developing a focused, intentional plan for recovery will help you overcome the pink cloud and move forward in recovery.
Long-Term Recovery
The best way to get clean and sober is to seek treatment and push past the pink cloud phase with a long-term recovery plan. While in rehab, you will learn how to create a recovery plan. Most plans include the following items:
- A regular schedule that keeps you busy
- An exercise plan that increases positive endorphins and positive energy
- Therapeutic support for aftercare both emotionally and physically
- Ongoing support including 12-step meetings and member support
- Play and have fun as if you were a kid
Be Intentional with Time
Avoid all your old haunts because those triggers can creep up on you and increase the intensity of cravings. The same goes for friends who are drinking and using drugs. The pink cloud makes you think there is no danger involved. You’re in recovery and you are always at risk of relapse through triggers of friends using drugs or alcohol. Work on building healthy, sober friendships and relationships that will help you improve and show you are committed to recovery. Don’t become isolated and by yourself too much, it’s too tempting to withdraw and start to become depressed.
Keep it Simple
Focus on the non-miracles in your life by keeping a routine and a healthy lifestyle. Miracles happen in recovery all the time but the everyday stuff is what makes a difference in maintaining recovery. Stay away from overcommitting to lessen the chance of being able to keep your word. Practice saying no and holding strict boundaries.
Replace Old Habits
Practice gratitude and have a positive outlook. This can make the pink cloud disappear quickly. Keep a gratitude journal and focus on what is going right rather than what is going wrong. Start doing things for yourself and recognize that your struggle can be your best chance to succeed by being empowered to change for the better. The pink cloud is really not the problem; it’s complacency. Focus on practice and taking time to work the program in recovery however it works best for you. Try not to overthink it, just focus on being intentional day by day and seeking positive things that will keep you moving forward in recovery.
Oceanfront helps you recover from addiction and learn resources and tools to keep the pink cloud at bay. We are here to help you put together a solid recovery plan that sticks. Call us to find out how we can help you get there: 877-296-7477