Addiction is treatable and recovery is a lifelong process. A person recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol must completely change his or her lifestyle. A person in recovery goes through daily struggles to stay sober and will need encouragement and support to maintain sobriety. Drinking alcohol when your spouse is in recovery creates a temptation for him or her to relapse. Keeping alcohol in the house does not fit into your spouse’s new, healthy, and positive lifestyle. For your spouse’s health and recovery, keep alcohol out of sight and out of mind. Having alcohol at home increases the risk of your spouse drinking secretly. When some people drink secretly, they add water to the bottle of alcohol to make it seem like they never had any. Easy access to alcohol is too tempting for a person in recovery. If your spouse prefers your home to be alcohol-free, you must be willing to make that sacrifice. There will be times when your spouse will be around alcohol, such as special events, holidays, or other occasions. Make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic drinks available. A person in recovery needs to avoid people, places, and things that relate to his or her drinking alcohol. An individual in recovery can feel guilty, depressed, and ashamed. Staying alcohol-free will keep your spouse’s mind off alcohol, make recovery easier, and show him or her your support and encouragement for a healthy sober lifestyle. Living with a spouse in recovery can be challenging, but with the right lifestyle changes, you can help his or her recovery. Help your spouse find healthy, sober activities he or she would enjoy or special interests you can participate in together. Alcohol is not needed to have fun. Recovery takes a lot of hard work and determination to stay sober. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, get help today. Addiction is complex, but treatable and recovery is possible. Do not wait another day to start your journey to sobriety.
Located in Laguna Beach, California, our pristine, Ocean Front property offers our residents unparalleled comfort, tranquility, and quality care. Through a rigorous clinical program and the inspiration of a world-famous natural environment, Oceanfront Recovery helps you change your story, so you can change your life. Call us today for more information: (877) 279-1777