For many years you may have turned to drugs to help you cope with life’s challenges. Now that you’ve decided to get clean, you may be trying to find your identity. Drugs blurred who you were. You may have been using for so long that really only remember yourself as a child. Now is the time to develop a new life, and drug addiction doesn’t have to define it. You may be embarrassed or wonder how everyone is going to see you. Your previous life may have been an attempted secret, but you are completely out in the open now. Society likes to create labels for everything. There is a label for the criminal, the widow, the businessman, etc. People try to understand the world by creating labels. Yet, labels don’t define things. The widow may have lost her husband, but it doesn’t mean it’s who she is. The businessman goes to work Monday through Friday, but that’s not his life. You may be an addict, but it’s not who you are. It simply represents the fact that you have a disease of the mind that causes you to seek mind altering substances, despite knowing the consequences of them. You may also be a student, chef, artist, or musician. All of these are what we are, but not who we are. Who we are is defined by our morals, ethics, and kindness towards others. Living a life of service and helping others defines us. Waking up each day and showing dignity and respect towards others shapes who we are. If you look up the definition of an addict it will say, “a person who is addicted to a particular substance.” It does not say your name. Many people you speak to in recovery say they are extremely grateful for the way their life has transpired. Gratitude in recovery is crucial. You have been given a true gift. The fact that you’re alive and free from drugs is remarkable. When you were using, all your hopes and dreams were kicked to the side by drugs. Now that you’re clean, you can take advantage of the opportunities life has for you. Being an addict will always be part of what you are, but it never has to be who you are. Now it’s time to take advantage of the gift and create an amazing identity for yourself.
Your story is waiting to begin with the rest of your life. Treatment is the beginning of the journey that changes your story. At Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment facility in Orange County, California, we believe that when you change your story, you change your life. Call us today for information on our programs for treatment, including our exclusive executive track. (877) 279-1777