a young woman suffering from meth withdrawal symptoms

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Understanding meth withdrawal symptoms requires an understanding of how meth affects a person, and the signs of meth addiction. When a person exhibits withdrawal symptoms, they likely did not anticipate those symptoms, the same as they did not expect to experience signs of meth addiction. The Oceanfront Recovery Meth Addiction Treatment Center team recognizes the highly addictive nature of…

a person cutting lines not thinking about Stimulant Abuse

Stimulant Abuse

A stimulant works on the central nervous system to increase cognitive function or alertness. Stimulants can be illicit substances, such as cocaine, or prescription medications. These drugs are taken orally, injected, or snorted. Many people use some form of stimulants every day. For example, caffeine in coffee and nicotine found in cigarettes are both considered…

what is glass

What is Glass?

Glass is a street name for crystal methamphetamine or crystal meth. This habit-forming recreational drug is highly addictive. If you currently use glass and need help with your recovery, a meth addiction treatment center in Laguna Beach, CA  will provide the treatment and support, to overcome your glass addiction. At Oceanfront Recovery, we reach out…