Drug addiction caused by prescription drugs is prevalent in American society, with multiple factors contributing to this problem. Despite the high number of addiction cases, the topic is not widely discussed and has some secrecy surrounding it. Unlike other aspects of healthcare, the world of addiction treatment is vague to most people. The signs of prescription drug addiction are not widely known. If you know the signs of prescription drug addiction, you can better intervene with a loved one who is struggling.
Find out more about prescription drug addiction in California by calling (877) 296-7477. We can help you to better understand the signs and symptoms of drug addiction, the risk factors associated with it, and how to best intervene if you know someone is struggling.
What Is Prescription Drug Addiction?
Prescription drug addiction is any time someone is addicted to prescription medication. This differs from other types of substance use that are illegal because many people who struggle with prescription drug addiction start with a valid prescription.
Three main categories of prescription medication exist. These are depressants, stimulants, and pain relievers. Each has at least a subtle risk of abuse or addiction, some more than others.
The signs of prescription drug abuse do vary a bit per category. Depressants often cause impaired judgment and coordination alongside rapid involuntary eye movements. Stimulants can cause:
- Insomnia
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Restlessness
And pain killers, of which opioids are the most common, cause drowsiness, an inability to concentrate, and constipation. Opioids are one of the most abused prescription drugs in circulation today. They are often prescribed following surgery or in response to chronic pain. With all three categories, it is essential to use them as prescribed lest misuse leads to dependence or addiction.
3 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
The reality is that there are numerous signs of prescription drug abuse. Essentially, the most common signs of prescription drug abuse are either behavioral, psychological, or physical. Knowing the broad strokes of these three buckets will help you identify a problem and intervene if your loved one is struggling with prescription drug addiction.
Behavioral Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
The behavioral signs of drug addiction manifest themselves in how someone acts. Your loved one before addiction and your loved one during addiction are likely two very different people. Common behavioral signs of drug abuse include evasive or secretive behavior, withdrawal from social circles, increasingly risky behavior, financial issues, and shirking of responsibilities.
Physical Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
Physical signs can result from withdrawal or side effects from drug use. Some of the most common physical signs of prescription drug abuse are:
- Insomnia
- Bloodshot eyes
- Sudden weight gain or loss
- Slurred speech
- Lack of hygiene
The other kind of physical signs to talk about regarding addiction are those related to an overdose. People experiencing an overdose may exhibit extreme drowsiness to the point of passing out, aggression, difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, hallucinations, and delusions.
Psychological Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
Psychological signs are the last element of drug addiction. People with a substance abuse disorder tend to display one or more of the following: anxiety, lack of motivation, irritability, mood swings, paranoia, and inattentiveness.
Addressing Prescription Drug Addiction at Oceanfront Recovery
Prescription drug abuse is treatable. If you notice any of the above signs, the first step is approaching your loved one with compassion and empathy. Start a conversation with them about what you are noticing. Offer to connect them with high-quality treatment options.
Oceanfront Recovery is here to help your loved one overcome their addiction and live a productive, healthy life. Contact us at (877) 296-7477 to learn more about treating prescription drug addiction. We are located just blocks from the Pacific Ocean in Orange County, California. Our compassionate team is here to help you and your family as you navigate this difficult journey toward recovery.