The 7 Social Skills Of Emotional Intelligence

We have to gain emotional intelligence in order to stay sober. Many treatment centers start their group therapy sessions with a chart. This chart is full of “emojis” faces that are expressing different emotions. Underneath the face is the emotion. The chart is passed around the group of people so everyone can “check in” and…

a woman working on her time management in recovery

Is Your Time Management Recovery Friendly?

Time management is an essential skill for any working man. Creating a balance between personal needs and work needs while maintaining accountability and responsibility to work and relationships takes discipline and smart time management. Addiction and alcoholism are full-time jobs. Prioritizing the brain in such a way that nothing else matters, men who are living…

Are You Afraid Of Success?

Self-sabotage is part of the experience of addiction. Every time an addict earnestly attempts to recover, then makes up a story of why they couldn’t recover, shouldn’t recover, or why using is better than recovering, they are sabotaging their opportunity to recover. Once they pick up a drug or a drink again, the sabotage is…

As a Man How Can I Let Go Of The Past?

  Vulnerability is a triggering and challenging word for men. The expectation of the male identity is to be strong, solid, unwavering, rational, unemotional, and adaptable. In a group of men who are recovering from their individual pasts full of shame, guilt, remorse, addiction, and mistakes, it is critical to be vulnerable. By embracing vulnerability…