woman understanding the dangers of white knuckle sobriety

The Dangers of White-Knuckle Sobriety

White-knuckle sobriety refers to the practice of desperately holding onto sobriety without working a recovery program. Many programs stress the impossibility of maintaining sobriety by sheer force of will, but there are some—few and far between—who can for some time. The problem with white-knuckling sobriety is that it does not allow one to address all…

a woman relaxing in a field as she is living life to the fullest in recovery

Living Life to the Fullest in Recovery

As you begin to thrive in recovery, a whole new world is unfolding before you. Living life to the fullest is now a reality, instead of a gift only bestowed on “other people.” Your future is now. It’s important that you celebrate your successes and your milestones in recovery. You’ve begun to make deep connections…