cognitive behavioral therapy

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work for Me?

Intensive detoxification and rehabilitation provide multiple ways to address addiction and the reasons behind our behavior. From yoga to mindfulness to therapies that develop new habits, all of these have a place in addiction counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, however, has emerged as a leader in thought-based therapy. Intended to challenge behavior and develop accountability,…

addiction psychiatry

What is Addiction Psychiatry?

Addiction psychiatry focuses on treating addiction to chemical substances, including alcohol, prescription, and illegal drugs. This is accomplished through psychological therapy and closely monitored medications. Addiction psychiatrists are specialists in the field of addiction. Psychiatrists are physicians specializing and treating psychiatric disorders such as depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. What is The History…

a woman using meditation in recovery

Using Meditation in Recovery

Meditation aids recovery from all kinds of problems, from mental to physical. There are dozens of benefits to using meditation in recovery, for instance, stress reduction. The following article will explore some of the benefits of meditation and holistic therapy. Meditation in Recovery Meditation and mindfulness can help at any recovery stage, whether you or…

a woman undergoing holistic therapy options

Five Popular Holistic Therapy Options

Holistic therapy options are increasingly popular these days and for a good reason. For instance, alternative therapies are clinically proven to aid sleep, help control pain, and much more. The following article will examine some of the benefits of holistic therapy and look at five popular options. Alternative Therapy The principles of holistic therapy options…

a parent and child in addiction and family

Addressing Addiction with Family

Talking about addiction to the family is challenging and can be upsetting. In other words, addiction and family are a difficult combination, but the following article will offer some advice on how to start talking about addiction with loved ones. Contact Oceanfront Recovery today to start learning about ways to address addiction. Addiction and Family…