Adderall, an amphetamine meant for treating ADHD, is abused everywhere, especially on college campuses, where students share with friends—sometimes for last-minute exam cramming, sometimes for partying. When abused, Adderall acts similarly to methamphetamine and cocaine: it dramatically increased the activity of dopamine in the brain, causing a long, intense high–followed by a debilitating crash.
How Should Adderall Be Used?
Dependency is expected for Adderall patients. It shouldn’t make them feel high, just normal–as focused as they should be without the symptoms of their ADHD getting in the way. After weeks of Adderall use, the brain needs Adderall in order to maintain a state of physiological balance. If a regular user quits Adderall cold-turkey, however, their body may go into “panic mode” in a desperate effort to regain homoeostasis.
The Problem Of Self-Medicating
For those without a prescription, there is no healthy dosage: any use is abuse. Even if you think you have ADHD, that doesn’t mean that Adderall–let alone a self-prescribed dosage–is right for you. Only a doctor can determine that.
Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms
-Abdominal pain -Anxiety/depression/mood swings -Cravings -Fatigue -Increased heart rate -Insomnia -Paranoia -Seizures
Legal Doesn’t Equal Safe
If you’re dependent on Adderall, and you want to quit, be sure to do so in a medical detox center. Just because Adderall is a prescription pill doesn’t mean it’s safe; withdrawal can lead to psychosis and even death. Detox can take several weeks; intense cravings linger on long after the acute stage ends. After detox is over, you may still experience cravings, but these will subside over time as your brain physiology returns to normal. It doesn’t take nearly as long to recover from Adderall dependence as it does to recover from cocaine, methamphetamine, or ecstasy.
Adderall and Depression
If you have depression or anxiety – either as a cause or an effect of the Adderall dependency – take that into account when you and your family are forming your treatment plan. Getting your mental state under control will be an essential part of getting your addiction under control. Mental illness and addiction go together like the space-time continuum.
Adderall addiction doesn’t have to be the story of your life. Recovery can be. At Oceanfront Recovery, a residential treatment center for men and women, we believe that when you change your story, you can change your life. Start the story of your recovery today by calling: (877) 279-1777