Relapse Warning Signs

The dangers of relapse are apparent to nearly everyone in the recovery community. We have gone through the pain of detox, taken steps forward in our lives and recovery, and experienced the joys of sobriety. To lose our newfound sobriety and enter back into the state of desperation and chaos of addiction is a fear…

Dangers of Home Detox

The first step on the path toward sobriety is detoxifying the body of drugs and alcohol. Healing can only begin once our system has been purged of any remnants of substances. The process can be overwhelming and painful. Without proper medical assistance through detoxification, it can cause an array of health risks or even death.…

a woman working on her time management in recovery

Is Your Time Management Recovery Friendly?

Time management is an essential skill for any working man. Creating a balance between personal needs and work needs while maintaining accountability and responsibility to work and relationships takes discipline and smart time management. Addiction and alcoholism are full-time jobs. Prioritizing the brain in such a way that nothing else matters, men who are living…

a doctor talking to a patient and their loved one about cognitive behavioral therapy in addiction treatment

How Does Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Addiction Treatment Help?

Addiction treatment has made many strides over the last decades. Many evidence-based treatment options have proven to be effective in helping people overcome addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was discovered in the 1960s as a way for doctors to help patients change their ways of thinking. During the session, doctors would help turn negative thoughts and behaviors…